Our online booking system is quick and easy to use.
(please note Ceinwen Gobert RMT is not available for online booking)
- Simply click the “Book Appointment” button
- Select the service, therapist and date you would like to book.
- You’ll then be presented with times available on that day.
- Choose a time, enter your contact details and you’re done!
You will receive an email confirmation with your booked appointment.
If you’re a first time client, the email will also contain a link to a secure site where you can fill out the intake and health history forms. Please complete this form before your appointment.
Rest assured that the form is submitted with 256-bit encryption for the highest level of security and protection of your personal information.
Upon arrival please check in with the front desk to obtain a key card for the elevators
*Ceinwen Gobert is unable to accept new clients at this time. For existing clients who wish to book an appointment with her please email ceinwen@summitmassagestudio.ca
Let’s get started!