Joana Martins RMT
Joana Martins has been a Registered Massage Therapist for 7 years and brings a wealth of knowledge to all of her treatments. Recently she has been focusing her training on the hip. Numerous musculoskeletal issues can arise from weakness, tightness, injury, and muscular imbalances around this key area. Joana has been training in hip joint mobilizations, stretching and strengthening for the muscles that attach to the hip, and refocusing her treatments on special tests to determine the root cause of pain and/or dysfunction.
The SI joint, or sacroiliac joint, is a common area of dysfunction that Joana encounters within her practice. This dysfunction often presents as lower back pain with some pain radiating into the gluteals. Joana can show you how to stretch various muscles that impact this crucial joint, and can incorporate techniques that will allow the body to find a more balanced and neutral position to help reduce your discomfort and get you back to your activities of daily living. A couple of muscles that Joana finds particularly fascinating are the piriformis and the psoas. These muscles are often culprits in a client’s discomfort! Where are these muscles? What do they do? How can they affect your hips? Feel free to ask Joana at your next appointment, or send us an email and we’d be happy to answer your questions.
muscle anatomy: the piriformis
muscle anatomy: the psoas