Vacation! Tips for a Comfortable Flight

Freedom To Dream - Joyful Child Playing With Airplane Against The Sky


It’s time for a Vacation!

We have been waiting a long time to take a nice, relaxing, sun filled vacation!  Getting from Toronto to our beautiful destination requires some long travel in cramped quarters.  This is a nice reminder for all of us on how we can get the most out of our travels.  Here are some simple activities that you can do during any flight so that you stay healthy and comfortable for your vacation.

  1. Drink lots of water – It’s easy to start your vacation early and many people will start on the flight… consuming alcohol, sugary , and caffeinated beverages before they arrive. Try to make your flight a bit more comfortable by foregoing these drinks and focus on having some water or herbal tea.  It’s dry up there! Early signs of dehydration are fatigue, shakiness, nausea, and headaches… Not a great way to start your well deserved vacation, so save the fun drinks for when you arrive.
  2. Wear comfortable clothing – You know you’ll be in cramped quarters, possibly pressed up against strangers.  Wear comfortable clothing and dress in layers.  Avoid tight pants with little stretch.  These pants can restrict hip and knee flexion, and when these motions are restricted your circulation will also be compromised.  Don’t sit on your wallet! This can compress your sciatic nerve that runs down your gluteals and legs and result in numbness, tingling, and pain.  Wearing a belt can also restrict trunk flexion, causing additional discomfort in those small cramped seats. Tight and uncomfortable shoes are also a bad idea.  Leave the heels and boots in your suitcase and wear comfortable shoes.  There is a good chance your feet will swell and you want to be able to easily do some range of motion exercises for your lower legs and feet while you are in flight.
  3. Keep Moving – It’s important to try and walk around as much as you can to keep your blood flowing.  This will keep you more comfortable and prevent the development of blood clots that can be a real risk.  Here are a few simple exercises you can do while sitting… start by sitting up straight!

5 easy exercises to do in your seat:

  • Toe tapping – flex and extend your ankles, letting your toes tap the ground.  This will keep your ankles nice and limber and keep your calves contracting and relaxing, promoting blood flow
  • Ankle circles – circle 5x clockwise and 5x counterclockwise.  Mix it up and try to write the alphabet with your feet.
  • Knee hugs – take one knee at a time and grasp with both hands.  Draw your knee up towards your chest (or as high as you can comfortably bring it) Hold for 5sec and release.  Repeat 3x and then move on to the other knee
  • Shoulder circles – draw your shoulders up and back 10x
  • Neck stretch – drop your ear towards your shoulder and feel a nice gentle stretch on the opposite side.  Hold gently for 30sec and repeat on the other side.

I also like to bring a small spikey ball that I can lean on against the seat to loosen up any knots in my back and neck.  You can also place it under your legs to gently massage any tight, sore spots you may develop during your trip.  It is discreet and feels amazing!
