10 Questions you’re Embarrassed to ask your Massage Therapist


10 Questions you are Embarrassed to ask your Massage Therapist



Are there questions that you’re too embarrassed to ask your massage therapist?  Are there times that you don’t want to go for a massage because you’re not sure on the protocol or you’re worried that your therapist will judge you?  Here are a few questions you might be too shy to ask about.  We hope these answers will put you at ease.

  1. What if my legs are hairy! Stubble, hair… it doesn’t matter.  There are lots of men who come in with lots of leg hair and there’s never even a thought about apology! We are working with your muscles and whether or not there is leg hair has no relevance to us.
  1. What if I have gas and need to pass gas during the massage? Sometimes when you feel really relaxed or fall asleep you might pass gas.  This is often a good sign that you’re comfortable and relaxed.  No need to feel embarrassed.  As a massage therapist we often deal with clients who are constipated as part of their treatment plan… having some release is actually helpful and one of our goals.  It is more annoying to have a client squeezing their gluteals because they need to fart and we have no idea why they won’t relax. It’s better to let us know so we can move on with the session.
  1. What if I fall asleep and snore? It is VERY common to become so relaxed that you fall asleep.  Snoring is completely fine as well, and we will never judge you negatively for this.  We may in fact give ourselves a little pat on the back for doing such a good job at making you feel comfortable and relaxed.
  1. Do I leave my underwear on? Underwear on or off, as with any other form of clothing, is completely up to you. Since we deal with Swedish massage and use a form of lotion and oil, I prefer to be able to work directly on the skin, but there are techniques that we can use on top of clothing as well.  More than anything, we want you to feel comfortable.  We will work with whatever amount of undress you choose and are comfortable making the appropriate adjustments.
  1. What if I get an erection? Sometimes you’ll be so relaxed and on the verge of sleep that you will get an erection.  Or perhaps some of the areas we are working on cause you to feel slightly aroused.  This is completely fine, natural, and nothing to be embarrassed about. You can ignore it and it will generally subside, or you can ask us to move to another area and or use other techniques.  The only time that arousal is NOT alright is if you act inappropriately as a result.  Do not make sexual advances, comments, touch yourself or us inappropriately etc.  In this case the session is terminated and you will have to have an uncomfortable education discussion with your therapist about the proper behaviour in a healthcare setting.  This is uncomfortable for everyone involved…  So don’t be that person.
  1. I’m ticklish!  Can I get a massage still? Please just let us know where you are ticklish so that we can change our techniques in these areas.  Generally a slower technique with firm pressure will prevent any of that unpleasant ticklish sensation.  Letting us know is also very much appreciated in case you do feel too ticklish, in which case we can avoid any kicks to the hands or arms!
  1. I didn’t do my self-care. Will my massage therapist be mad at me? It is our job to remind you of your self-care so that you can get the most out of your massage treatments with us.  Don’t feel guilty if you haven’t done the suggested exercises, and definitely don’t feel so guilty that you discontinue your care with us.  We want you to get the most from your time with us, but it is up to you what you do or do not do in your free time… we’re here to remind you and help you stay on track, not to berate you.
  1. I’m sick, but I don’t want to be charged a cancellation fee. Should I just show up anyways? Dear clients, if you’re sick just let us know and we can reschedule.  We’re here to make you feel better, not worse.  If you are sick it may feel too exhausting to get dressed and make the commute to and from your appointment.  It is also very likely that you might get your therapist sick, which will mean he or she cannot work until they are feeling 100% better or risk passing on the illness to other clients.  The cancellation fee does not apply to cancelled appointments due to illness… UNLESS you do not contact us.  Please, if you have symptoms, reschedule.
  1. I don’t like the way my body looks. So many people are unhappy with the way their body looks… maybe they don’t like their bum, or their thighs, or their stomach.  We understand that this is unique to every individual, but please know that we don’t think about whether your bum is big, small, cute, perky… etc.  We are considering the musculature and its effect on the rest of your body and how we can therapeutically affect the soft tissues to decrease pain and improve mobility.  Massage therapy is a safe place for you, and your therapist is only thinking about your wellbeing.
  1. I have my period.  What do I say and do? If you are worried about leaving a mess on the white sheets, or are embarrassed about talking about your menstruation, please remember that your therapist is a healthcare provider.  It is helpful for us to know you are on your period, and to know what is normal for you to experience monthly.  For example, does your lower back hurt every month when you have your period, or are your breasts too sensitive to lie face down for long periods of time, etc.  Let us know so that we can make you comfortable. Also, all the sheets are laundered EVERY single time regardless of how soiled they are, so if you are worried about having a small accident due to leakage… please don’t be!  This also applies if you are lactating.


Do you have any other questions about massage?  We would love to hear from you.

Coming soon…  Massage Therapy Faux Pas.